Service Times
Divine Services with Holy Communion
9am Sundays
Divine Service/Vespers
7pm Wednesdays
Divine Services with Holy Communion
8am and 10:15am Sundays
Catechesis Bible Class and Sunday School
Advent and Lenten Midweek Vespers
7pm Wednesdays
St. Paul Events
Christmas program/practice. Practice for the Christmas Eve children’s program has officially began,
Sunday Dec 1st in the sanctuary during Sunday School. If your child will participate in the Christmas Eve service please bring them today and through December.
Next Voters Assembly at St. Paul will be at 7PM on December 10. This will be a special budget and elections meeting. We are looking for bids for the positions of Webmaster, Secretary, Custodian, and Groundskeeper. In addition, we would like to make two pleas:
1. Voting members, consider serving on Church council. Even if you have not been contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee, if you believe your talents could be put to good use in service to your Church, let Pastor Yeager know that you would like to let your name be placed on the slate for the position you think would be best suited to your abilities.
2. Non-voting male members, consider becoming a voting member of St. Paul. Contrary to popular opinion, we will not throw you into a job immediately. We will give you at least a year to come to meetings, learn how the Voters Assembly works, and generally get acquainted with the operational side of the Church. But we do need ‘new blood,’ that is, new servants with energy, drive, and talent, to step up and serve. We need you, really. Talk to Pastor today.
Upcoming Community Events
Youth Events
Sunday, December 15, 4:00–8:30 p.m.– Komets Hockey Game (RSVP REQUIRED by Wednesday, November 20) 4-8:30PM. Cost is $10 for the tickets, and youth are encouraged to bring additional money for food and drinks as desired (since this will go through supper time). Chaperones are free as always. Please tell your pastor if you are going no later than Wednesday, November 20 (and preferably sooner), so we can ensure tickets at the group rate.
Purse Bingo. January 18th. Doors open at 6:30-games begin at 7PM.
Zion Friedheim Family Life Center. All guests 21+. Join us for an evening of fun bingo and a chance to win a designer bag. Proceeds benefit the Wyneken Class of 2027 Washington, DC trip.
Wyneken Craft Show. Do you enjoy baking and have a cookie recipe that folks can’t resist? Our 7th grade class is looking for donations of homemade cookies for the Wyneken Craft Show’s Cookie Corner! Please reach out to a current 7th grade student or contact Heather Yeager at 443-615-6359 if you would be interested in donating prior to 12/7/24! Proceeds go towards their Washington DC trip.
Wyneken Craft Show-Vendors Wanted: The Wyneken Craft Show is back!! We have vendor openings available for the craft show to be held on Saturday, December 7, 9am-2pm. If you are interested in participating or know someone who would be, please share this information. Contact person is Stephanie at, or call the school office at 260-639-6177 with your contact information.
Teacher Subs – Aide Subs – Kitchen Subs Needed: If you are interested in being able to serve as a teacher sub, an aide/office sub, or a kitchen sub, please call the school office at 260-639-6177 for information and to get an application. All applicants for the teacher sub position must have a valid teaching license or substitute teaching license with the state of Indiana. All applicants will also have to complete an Expanded Criminal Background Check.
Northeast Indiana March for Life. Join Right to Life of Northeast Indiana on Saturday, January 18th for the March for Life in downtown Fort Wayne. Unite with thousands of pro-life advocates from our region to show that you support life from conception to natural death. The March for Life is an annual pro-life rally held near the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade. The pre-march Rally will take place at Tincaps Stadium, 1301 Ewing St, Fort Wayne, IN. Doors open at noon, and the rally will begin at 12:30 pm. The March will start after the Rally. Learn more at or call our office at 260-471-1849.